Does Crossing Your Legs Deserves To Be Blamed About Having Varicose Veins?

The common causes of varicose veins are age, pregnancy, and heredity. If both of your parents have this disease, then better get ready because you will most likely acquire it too. Old men and women both have high risk because as you age, your veins have high tendency to stretch and to become weak. Lastly, pregnancy results to changes in the circulatory system which causes enlarged veins on the legs. Studies about these common causes are clear and everyone agrees about it. But one popular issue about varicose veins is its relationship with how a person sits. Can a sitting position really result to varicose veins?
Crossing legs is probably one of the most favorite sitting positions of women because they find it comfortable and they say this is how a lady should sit. Some started to prevent sitting this way because of those studies that relates crossing legs to having varicose veins. Are sitting with your legs crossed truly make you more prone to varicose veins?
Maintenance of proper blood circulation through the veins has a big say on who have high risk for varicose veins. Increased blood pressure is something which has a direct connection to developing varicose veins. Doctors say that if you stay on a specific sitting or standing position for a long while, your blood will build up too much pressure. They suggest making little exercises or just varying your position after every while to prevent pain in occurring. Crossing legs for long periods of time will definitely put tension in your hips and will increase your blood pressure specifically by 7% and 2% on systolic and diastolic, respectively. But, it does not mean that crossing legs can instantly cause you varicose veins. The connection of increased blood pressure and sitting with crossed legs imply that you should not stay on that position for a very long time. Therefore, sitting with your legs crossed is not the only sitting position you can relate to varicose veins. Any position, even standing positions, if not changed for long period of time, will increase your blood pressure and will cause varicose veins.
Other things related to having increased blood pressure are wearing high heels and tight clothes around the waist and leg. Although these are like crossing legs which does not have immediate effects on our veins, it is good if we avoid doing them. Prevention of varicose veins includes exercising and elevating your legs after long, tough exercise.