Phases Of Treatment

Phases Of Tretment

1. Screening and Assessment –during your first visit to the doctor/vein specialist, you will be first evaluated regarding the symptoms you experience, and an examination of your leg will be done. At times, an imaging device such as an ultrasound is required to further confirm if the varicose veins indeed are the culprit for the pain you experience. Once confirmed, the doctor needs to know which among the faulty veins are responsible for the said symptoms and will need

2. Venous Ultrasound-this is a crucial phase since it is from here the doctors will base their recommendations from. The examination will take time to complete as the veins need to be traced in order to plot which among them the unhealthy ones are. This will also help the doctor assess which might be the possible cause of developing spider and/or varicose veins, and give some tips and advices on how to properly manage them.

3. Treatment Plan-after diagnosing the diseased veins, you may now discuss with your doctor the possible options you have to improve your condition. You may want to know the advantages and disadvantages of the different procedures, the risks and side effects associated with it, the success rate, prognosis and the cost of the treatment. After agreement on which treatment you are willing to undergo, you may set appointments and schedule when it will be performed.

4. Treatment-usually, the initial recommendations of doctor would be the minimally invasive options, and leave the last resort for surgery. If at first attempt the conservative techniques do not work or comforted your symptoms, then you might need to seek other options.